Who knows what to title this one, it's a progress update, here we go:
- Memorizing that Kabalevsky was extremely useful, especially in terms of what it taught me about how to approach performance, but it got in the way of Brahms Rhapsody memorization. This week I am playing the Bach Prelude #1 and the Satie Gymnopédie #1 at church, plus another Vandall piece for the postlude, all of which I've played dozens of times before, in the hopes that I can finish memorizing at least half of the remaining Brahms.
- Yes, I am kinda sorta definitely alternating easier repertoire with more difficult stuff, I played the Ravel Sonatine mmt 1 two weeks ago, Larry and I are prepping a four-hand version of Schubert's Trout, and of course I'd love to play the Brahms in three weeks if I can get it ready.
- I'm going ahead with the end-of-act number for MELISANDE, after realizing that the first act was a closed system that Florizel opens (and because of that I really should compose the end-of-act number before starting into Act II). Ideally I'll get that finished by the end of the month but I'd rather have it be right than fast. It's very interesting, this work; figuring out exactly what Florizel opens up and when it happens and what that does to the world of melody and harmony and motive and so on.
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