Writer, musician, freelancer.

What I'm doing now

Inspired by Derek Sivers, who also gave us "No yes. Either HELL YEAH! or no."

Reworked the overture for MELISANDE.

Scored "Tea Sequence" (the end-of-act number) for MELISANDE.

Completed one freelance assignment for Vox and one for Bankrate.

Taught two piano students.

Continued accompanying the Quincy Symphony Chorus.

Served as rehearsal accompanist for WAITRESS.

Co-taught (with Larry) a second session of "Acting the Song."

Continued serving as organist for the Unitarian Church.

Received a decline letter from the State of Illinois regarding the Creative Accelerator Fund application I completed (for MELISANDE) in October. Participants were chosen by lottery so this isn't a reflection on my project or its possibilities.

Scored "Exponential" and "Enter the Princes" for MELISANDE.

Did a first (unsatisfactory) pass at the overture for MELISANDE.

Completed one assignment for Bankrate.

Began accompanying the Quincy Symphony Chorus.

Played the auditions for the Quincy Community Theater production of WAITRESS, was asked to continue on as rehearsal accompanist.

Continued serving as organist for the Unitarian Church.

Prepared the first movement of Ravel's Sonatine, performed at the Unitarian Church.

Scored "I Want" for MELISANDE.

Completed one assignment for Dwell, two assignments for Vox, and one spec assignment that could turn into a monthly column.

Taught two piano students.

Performed three holiday concerts with the Eventide Singers.

Served as music technician for Quincy Community Theatre's production of CINDERELLA.

Served as organist for the Unitarian Church.

Composed a holiday medley for solo piano to play at the Unitarian Church on Christmas Eve.

Scored "To a Fairy Godmother" for MELISANDE.

Completed two assignments for Bankrate and one for Vox.

Taught two piano students.

Accompanied a four-week audition class at Quincy Community Theatre.

Co-taught (with Larry) a four-week "Acting the Song" class at Quincy Community Theatre. Scripted and directed the cabaret at the end of the class. Performed "Now/Later/Soon" with Larry and Patrick Regner during the cabaret.

Served as music technician for Quincy Community Theatre's production of CINDERELLA.

Served as organist at the Unitarian Church.

Scored "Like You" for MELISANDE.

Applied to the Illinois Creative Accelerator Fund to support MELISANDE.

Completed four assignments for Bankrate, one for Dwell, and one for Vox.

Taught two piano students.

Accompanied auditions for SIX at Quincy Community Theatre.

Began preparing for organist responsibilities at the Unitarian Church.

Started blogging again.

Scored "Once Upon a Time" and "Twice Trouble" for MELISANDE.

Applied to Emergent Ventures to support MELISANDE and was declined (within the day).

Completed three assignments for Newsweek, two for Bankrate, and two for Vox.

Taught two piano students.

Accompanied an audition workshop at Quincy Community Theatre.

Accompanied and sang a voice studio recital at the Art Lab.

Completed the Act One book for MELISANDE.

Completed four assignments for Newsweek, two for Bankrate, and one for Vox.

Taught two piano students.

Served as accompanist for Quincy Community Theatre's TRIPLE THREAT BOOT CAMP.

Began drafting MELISANDE.

Completed four assignments for Newsweek and four assignments for Vox.

Coached one writer on her novel and another writer on her memoir. Paused future writing consultancies to focus on MELISANDE.

Taught two piano students.

Played in the pit orchestra for Quincy Community Theatre's production of NEWSIES.

Married Larry Finley, the great love of my life.

Completed four freelance assignments for Newsweek, one for AOL, one for Bankrate, and one for Vox.

Coached one writer on her novel and another writer on her memoir.

Taught four piano students.

Prepared two Shakespeare classes for Quincy Community Theatre, neither of which got enough enrollment to proceed.