Writer, musician, freelancer.
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It has been six months since our wedding

Larry and I were married on June 23, 2024. We had said, before we were legally wed, that we had been all-but-married since we decided to found the Art Lab together, and for a while we weren't even going to bother with the paperwork and the wedding.

All-but-married is not the same thing as married, as it turns out.

I am still not quite sure whether the paperwork is going to turn out to be a net positive, since one is not allowed to review the list of rights granted and rights removed (fun fact: when I was talking to my parents about our wedding plans I asked them how far in advance they were able to review their contracts with the state and federal governments, since I hadn't been able to find any of these documents online; did they just go down to the county courthouse and ask? and they looked at me like I was profoundly naïve, which I suppose I was [and then later I asked a lawyer friend about it, and he laughed at me, but in a good way]).

The wedding, however, was one of the best things Larry and I have ever done together. In fact, I would argue that Larry and I could not have been married until we were capable of creating this wedding – and as far as I understand, he agrees with me.

There's going to be an article about our wedding soon, with a couple of photographs, and I was sort of hoping it would go up today so I could share it with you.

Instead, I'll share what I wrote a month after we were married. I had intended this to be the second post on this blog, after an initial post titled "Starting Conditions," but I held back because I wasn't sure whether I was going to start doing this kind of writing again. I was still drafting, still thinking, still figuring out what it meant to be married to Larry Finley.

Now I know.

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