I want a space for people who are serious about making things
First of all, I have discovered that I can make minor edits in MELISANDE even as I do everything else that I am tasked with producing and performing over the next month. This is good, especially because I would be less likely to make these edits if I had four uninterrupted hours in front of me (and no performances scheduled for later that evening). I'd use those hours for longform idea generation, e.g. writing and composing, but I can use the hour that I had this morning and the hour I should have tomorrow morning to identify one of the tiny spots that have already been written and composed, one of the good-but-not-great pinpricks that I know must be adjusted, and fix them.
I have a list of these, because of course I do, and the time to tackle them is now.
Second of all, I did spend much of last week digging into pawwwwwwlitics, how could I not, first of all I had a cold and second of all it felt irresponsible to not at least make the attempt to understand the stories the people who make up our country are telling.
The story I want to tell –
The story I began telling with The Biographies of Ordinary People –
Is that people can make art, too.
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