Showing more work
I am very likely to get the "I Want" number for MELISANDE scored by the end of the
Showing my work
I'm both a pianist and an organist, which means I've played a lot of Christmas Eve
Atlas Shrugged and The Grapes of Wrath are (almost) the same book
There's this comment on Reddit that I'm not going to look up again, but it implies
"I Want"
I started scoring the "I Want" song this week. Originally I had meant it as a fairly straightforward
I am not responsible for other people's systems
If you haven't visited recently, you may want to check out the revamp. ❤️
Back when I
Philosophy as a form of systems thinking, plus a few thoughts about AI
I only recently learned that philosophy was a form of systems thinking, and that to be a philosopher meant to
This kind of learning
Larry suggested that I should start writing about what both of us are doing, since we're both doing
The thing about doing good work that you know when it is good.
And when the work is good, you don't spend a
More thoughts on integrity, plus a few thoughts on The Grapes of Wrath
One of the reasons I find the Taking Children Seriously philosophy so compelling is this fundamental idea that no person
On books that change your life
"I really should have read Plato's Republic in college, like everyone else," I told Larry, the
Small changes change everything
I said I would tell you about one of the small changes I made to MELISANDE, so here you go
I want a space for people who are serious about making things
First of all, I have discovered that I can make minor edits in MELISANDE even as I do everything else
"no learning gets done over the holidays"
So first of all I should mention that I did watch My Old Ass, or at least the first twenty
Seriously, go watch "Hundreds of Beavers" and also read my lengthy analysis of why it matters
Hundreds of Beavers, a 2022 slapstick comedy film that was built on a $150,000 budget and successfully self-distributed to
Why am I writing this music specifically?
I had sort of forgotten that MELISANDE was meant to be a student theater piece.
Over the past few months
"why do we even write music anyway"
I'm going to see if I can come around to where my thoughts are taking me, starting with