I was wrong about Atlas Shrugged
"I don't think I can finish reading Atlas Shrugged," Larry told me. "I got to
Project management
"Enter the Princes" is finished, which means it's time to start bringing people over to the
I was wrong about The Grapes of Wrath
A while back I wrote a post in which I compared The Grapes of Wrath to Atlas Shrugged, noting that
Blogs that have improved the way I think
I wrote last week that if you started your own blog (not a Substack, that's the metaphorical equivalent
More on teaching
So that piece of writing I put up yesterday, "To teach a child piano," is worth reading for
To teach a child piano
To teach a child piano is to teach them how to master their environment.
This, in turn, teaches them how
Showing my work (and more thoughts on work in general)
The MELISANDE excerpt will be behind the paywall as usual, and if you are curious why I even have a
A bit about money, plus Herbert Croly's The Promise of American Life
I have a new personal finance advice column in Vox today: I plan to retire in 2025. Am I financially
Larry is in the other room practicing a piano accompaniment that sounds just enough like the theme to The Young
Is Beast Games the final form of philanthropy?
Last night Larry and I went through all of the existing music for MELISANDE and talked about what worked and
Games and wagers
"Exponential" is scored, which means that I am very likely to both start and finish "Enter the
How does this book exist
I am, unbelievably, almost finished scoring the exponential growth number for MELISANDE. Tomorrow I'm going to do the
Avoid all that which would ask you not to think
It only took me four iterations before I was able to start building the accompaniment for MELISANDE's big
More Middlemarch, more MELISANDE
I am testing out several different ways of accompanying the exponential growth number for MELISANDE, by which I mean I&
Middlemarch and MELISANDE
(It's a little hard to tell because Ghost blurs the words before the paywall, but I recorded and
The math either works or it doesn't
I wrote out the vocal lines for the exponential growth song this morning and began putting in some chords for